In gennaio Enrico Deaglio a San Francisco scrive la Prefazione, e ce la manda puntuale. Altan dice di sì a darci una illustrazione. L'editore Caselli mette tutto insieme, e a fine febbraio ecco il libro stampato!
Ecco la descrizione di questa immagine, che ho scritto mentre caricavo da dispositivo
La prima presentazione è a Modena. Federico ed io guidiamo fino là, ci sono tre persone. un dibattito, direbbero gli inglesi, really interesting!!!
Sloweb is a non-profit association established to promote the responsible use of information technologies and devices, and of the web and Internet applications in general. Sloweb activities include education, information and combating any improper public or private use of the internet and the web. Sloweb asserts that the web is an extraordinary vehicle for knowledge, memories and quality information sharing. Sloweb acknowledges the endless opportunities and the huge potential that digital technologies offer, also in facilitating the inclusion of challenged or disabled individuals. Sloweb recognizes that the use of information technologies involves a deep interference with the irrational, emotional and unconscious side of human nature. Besides the opportunities, risks and social phenomena exist that must be carefully assessed and in specific cases challenged. Sloweb is also committed to protecting human fundamental rights for the ecological use of personal digital data: reduce, select, protect, own and delete for ever, managing your own digital heritage All the above is essential to make the web safer, free and beneficial for everyone.
Che bello visualizzare la nascita del primo libro Sloweb come se fosse un vero e proprio racconto con immagini! Wow